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February 9-13 (as of 2/11/19)
Location: Eastside Baptist Church, 310 East Side Dr. Statesville, NC
Session Titles: (music & sessions for children TBA)
Saturday: 9 am breakfast (RSVP) "Wilderness Wonders" - Jeff Setzer
10 am - Packs n' Petrifacts (Jeff Setzer)
11 am - The Greatness of Our God (Dr. Martin)
children's church: Packs n Petrifacts (children's ed.)
5 pm - The Evolution of a Creationist (Dr. Martin)
6 pm - The Amazon and Beyond (Dr. Martin)
children's session: BIG Beasts
7 pm - The Wonders of Alaskan Creatures (Dr. Martin)
8 pm - Mutualism and Symbiosis (Dr. Martin)
children's session: Can You 'Bear' This?
(all day) Doubt Darwin Day, a Facebook event
11:30 Leaders Luncheon RSVP)
7 pm - Flying Dragons, Alive? (Jeff Setzer)
8 pm - From Dinosaurs to Dung Beetles (Dr. Martin)
no Tues. PM separate sessions for children
7 pm - The Big Deal About Bigfoot (Jeff Setzer)
8 pm - Creation Evangelism (Dr. Martin)
February 15 - 17
Location: Sharon Baptist Church, 2625 Armistead Ave. Hampton, VA
Session Titles
11:30 (Leaders Luncheon RSVP): Dr. Martin
7:00 pm - Packs n Petrifacts (Setzer)
8:00 pm - Mutualism & Symbiosis (Dr. Martin)
children's session: BIG Beasts (Setzer)
10 am - The Wonders of Alaskan Creatures (Dr. Martin)
11 am - Incredible Creatures that Defy Evolution (Dr. Martin)
(no separate children's session)
9:45 - The Evolution of a Creationist (Dr. Martin)
11:00 - The Greatness of Our God (Dr. Martin)
children's church: Flying Dragons, Alive? (Setzer)
5:30 pm - The Big Deal About Bigfoot (Setzer)
6:30 pm - Can You 'Bear' This? (Setzer)
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