Suggested Family VBS Schedule:
* During the Sunday of VBS week, both Sunday school and junior church may be conducted by Mrs. Heather Setzer so that Bro. Jeff is free to teach a combined teen – adult Sunday school and/or preach in the morning service.
* In order to help churches reach entire families, we encourage the church to refer to the meeting as a "Family VBS." In light of this, we structure the schedule and prepare a series of class time messages for all who are not working in other areas of the VBS.
​​Suggested Schedule:
VBS worker meeting (~ 45 min) sometime Saturday evening or Sunday AM (SS or after church)
SUNDAY (normal service times)
Sunday School – can serve as a VBS class time
Jr. Church – can serve as VBS “Rally Time”
Monday - Wednesday (6:30 – 8:30 pm)
**Awards distributed during a special closing on Wednesday**
SUNDAY - WEDNESDAY (~2 hrs. 30 min.)
​ 6:00 Registration Time (as children arrive)
6:10 Opening / Story Time (Mrs. Heather)
6:45 Class Time (staffed by church workers)
Teach memory verse for the day (from handbook)
Ask review questions (provided by CFM)
7:00 Refreshments
7:15 Rally Time (team competition, songs, presentation/invitation, review game)
~8:30 Dismissal
For Preschoolers
Creation Family Ministries assists churches in ministering to all ages. However, due to the type of information we share in the Rally Time presentations, much of it is “over the heads” of most preschoolers. For this reason, we ask churches which have a prominent preschool group of about 5 or more to prepare a separate special time just for them especially during Rally Time. We suggest putting together a schedule that involves memory work (one or two verses from the handbook), video time (we have some suggestions for this), coloring time (coloring sheets may be downloaded from Answers in Genesis, song time (preferably songs from the Mountain Mysteries VBS handbook; preparing to sing one or two for Parents Night), lesson time and snack time. In addition, while “Mr. Jeff” speaks to older ones in Rally Time, “Mrs. Heather” is available to visit the preschoolers for a special time with them. Depending on the size of your group, they are welcome to join the older group during Opening Time and Story Time. We usually ask that you plan about an hour for their own special time.