During summer ministry, the Setzers live in a 38' fifth wheel (RV) which they pull with an F-350 dual rear wheel diesel truck. This arrangement serves as both home and office on the road. It is optimum to park their "house" at the church where they will be serving throughout the week. This requires an area large enough for the vehicle (entry/exit), a regular outside water spigot accessible, and 50-amp electrical service (4-prong outlet).
The Setzers come as missionaries on a love offering basis. For vacation Bible schools, there are a number of expenses prior to the summer that necessitate a pre-summer donation request. To be clear, this is NOT a "charge" to come as we will be coming to serve whether or not funds are sent ahead. They serve as the LORD opens the doors. However, sometimes the expense account gets pretty low prior to the summer (depending on the theme and the specific items needed). Here is a partial list of what a pre-summer donation helps to cover:
*crusade & verse award buttons
*promotional cards
*yard signs
*banners (4 x 10) -- possibly reusing banners from previous years
*1st - 3rd place medallions
*prizes & awards
*handbooks (junior, primary)
*creation tee shirt (awarded to top medallion) and/or ball cap, book bag
*anything else deemed helpful to promote the week
Instead of "charging a fee," the Setzers request this pre-summer donation in order to alleviate the burden of paying for all of the supplies in a very short time. This year, we are asking churches to send $300, depending on your budget, to:
Creation Family Ministries
3716 Puett Park Dr.
Conover, NC 28613
VBS Staff
Creation Family Ministries exists to aid churches in making a difference in this culture, and as missionaries, the Setzers come ready to adapt to the need. Generally, the need for Class Time is to have two adult helpers (or one adult and a mature teen), one to conduct the teaching of the memory verse, and the other to ask review questions after the memory verse. If the number of helpers is limited, these same ones can serve in Registration Time filling out registration cards and listening to memory verses (during Registration). For larger groups, a larger number of VBS staff is needed. The Setzers take care of leading the Opening (incl. penny offering) and Story Time, then they dismiss the children by groups to Class Time ("Mr. Jeff" then begins Class Time for adults and teens who aren't involved in ht meeting). After Class Time usually comes Refreshment Time for about 10-15 min. and then Rally Time led by Jeff & Heather with the assistance of all available VBS workers. At the end of the creation presentation, adult workers are needed who are willing and able to counsel children. After the message/presentation and invitation, there will be a time of review game and/or awards prior to dismissal.
VBS Philosophy
The philosophy of Creation Family Ministries concerning VBS
VBS is a “revival week” for children to encourage and strengthen their faith. (We encourage churches to consider a “Family VBS” in which we minister to teens and adults during an extended class time for them.) VBS is an important week of evangelism for children. VBS is an important break for church workers who often are already over-worked. We do most of the preparation and make class time short.
“Fun with purpose!” Fun things we do with the children (e.g. songs, competition, games) create a good memory of church. While not everything in life is “fun,” it is important to leave a lasting impression in the child’s mind of a good time at church. The “fun stuff” encourages them to come back. We use God’s Word and His works (creation) together to strengthen the faith of those who are already saved and to invite those who do not yet know Christ as Savior to come to Him. A stronger faith equals a stronger witness and greater desire to live for Christ.