DinoMight 2021
As “creation missionaries to young people,” we are privileged to minister to all ages during VBS, camps, revivals, conferences, and fairs. Thank you for visiting! We're GREATLY looking forward to sharing TRUE sience using some of God's most amazing creatures: dinosaurs!
Ecclesiastes 12:1
“Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth…”
As young people are taught evolution as a “fact of science” from many different sources, it is of utmost importance to increase efforts to counteract the evolutionary seeds that create doubt in God’s Word. However, there is a nearly overwhelming lack in our culture today of churches venturing to address questions raised by science. Why are more and more young people casting off the Christian beliefs of their upbringing? This question must be answered by churches who are willing to do what is necessary to re-build trust in God and His Word, beginning with young people.
Schedule (weekly):
*On Sunday AM, both Sunday school and junior church may be conducted by Mrs. Heather Setzer so that Bro. Jeff is minister to adults in Sunday school and/or preach in the morning service.*
Workers meeting (30-35 min. Sat. PM or Sun. AM)
Sunday AM (regular service times)
--Sunday School – first VBS class time
--Jr. Church – first “Rally Time”
Sunday PM - Wednesday PM (6:00 – 8:15)
Wednesday PM (awards 8:15-8:30)
Schedule (nightly):
5:45 - 6:05 Registration
6:05 - 6:40 PM
songs, handbooks, competition, awards
offering contest & "Fossil Adventure" story
6:40 – 6:55 PM
song, "Bible Time Baseball"
Verse Time, song
6:55 – 7:30
DinoMight presentation
dismiss children to class, refreshments
7:35 - 8:05
(adults/teens creation series) "Soulwinning on God's Scoreboard"
children - Refreshment & Class Time
8:05 - 8:15
Points and Prizes
8:15 - 8:30 (Wednesday, awards time)
For Preschoolers
Creation Family Ministries is here to help local assemblies in reaching all ages with foundational truth. However, due to the type of information we share in Rally Time presentations, much is “over the heads” of most preschoolers. For this reason, we ask churches which have a prominent preschool group of about 5 or more to prepare a separate special time just for them especially during Rally Time. We suggest putting together a schedule that involves memory work (one or two verses from the handbook), video time (we have some suggestions for this), coloring time (coloring sheets may be downloaded from http://answersingenesis.org/kids), song time (preferably songs from the Dino Might handbook; preparing to sing one (or two) during awards time on the last night), lesson time and snack time. Depending on the size of your group, they are more than welcome to join the older ones during Opening Time and Story Time. We usually ask that you plan about 30-45 minutes for their own special time.
VBS Philosophy
A “revival week” for children
To encourage and strengthen the faith of those who already are saved. (We encourage churches to consider a “Family VBS” in which we minister to teens and adults during an extended class time for them.)
A week of evangelism for children.
A week of break...
Church workers are already often over-worked. We do most of the preparation and make class time short and easy for the VBS helpers.
"Fun with Purpose"
Fun things we do with the children (e.g. songs, competition, games) create a good and lasting memory of time with believers at church. While not everything in life is “fun,” it is important to leave such a lasting impression in the child’s mind. Such “fun stuff” helps them come back!
God's Word & Work (creation) go "hand in glove," strengthening the faith of those who are already saved and inviting those who do not yet know Christ as Savior to come to Him. A stronger faith equals a stronger witness and greater desire to live for Christ. Remember Job (42:6).
Meeting Needs
Blank wall for presentation. (If not available, we have a large screen.)
1 or 2 adult helpers per VBS class (a mature teen may serve)
4-6 tables for resources, artifacts, registration, etc.
Dino Might Decór
The Setzers bring with them many decorative and/or promotional items (e.g. floor-standing banner, 4 x 10 promotional banners, yard signs, display items / artifacts, backdrop artwork, etc). Since we prepare decoration for the main meeting area (church auditorium is suggested), we encourage churches to decorate all other areas (e.g. class rooms, registration, refreshment areas) according to the dinosaur theme with wall décor, toy dinosaurs, etc. An excellent resource for this is http://orientaltrading.com. Perhaps someone in the church can coordinate refreshments each day with a creation theme and and a dinosaur/jungle backdrop. In addition, a photographer is desired to take quality pictures (cell phone camera is sufficient) of all aspects during the week. These pictures will be used for a presentation on Awards Night.
In order to be as little of a burden to churches as possible, the Setzers live full time in an RV which serves as both home and office. For the unit to operate properly, 50 amp electrical service (a 4-prong electrical outlet designed for RVs) is best. A 30 amp electrical outlet is sufficient in milder weather. However, their RV/home/office has two AC units which makes 50 amp service a necessity especially in hotter weather. A water connection is needed, but a sewer connection is not necessary unless there are city restrictions on grey waste water (i.e. sink/shower water) being let out onto the ground. A septic/sewer connection is very extremely helpful. Parking at the church is optimal for the meeting.
“Formed, Fallen, Flooded, FOUND”
“Big Bones”
“Flying Dragons Alive!”
“Secret Sea Serpents”
“Living Dinosaurs”
“Dealing with the Dragon”
The Setzers come on a love offering basis as “creation missionaries,” requesting a pre-summer donation of between $300 - 500 to help defray costs of materials such as:
creation memory verse cards, promotional materials (e.g. flyers), tee shirts, banners, book bags, yard signs, handbooks (jr. & prim.), awards, buttons, prizes, etc.
A penny offering (we have our own offering scales) taken during the opening each evening can be used to meet some of the expenses. As missionaries, we ask that churches consider adding CFM to their missionary family. If the church budget doesn’t allow for the minimum of $300.00, whatever you can send ahead will help in providing for the summer!
Please send a check made out to “CFM” to:
Creation Family Ministries
3716 Puett Park Dr.
Conover, NC 28613
Questions? E-Mail us at: creationfamin@gmail.com
Thank you for allowing us to serve with you in a special meeting designed to reach people with foundational truth!