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(back cover) "Thousands of scientific fact disproving ever basic area of evolutionary theory.

A fascinating book that is easy to read. Full of facts most people are not aware of. Written so key points quickly jump out at you. 1,350 scientific quotations or references.  Browse through this book, and you will be amazed at what you find. You will soon know more about a far wider range of scientific facts than many scientists are taught.  Topically arranged, easy-to-read print size, and a full-size index--so you can quickly find what you are looking for.  Written for all ages, but outstanding for students. Includes study questions and research helps. Because of the way it is arranged and typeset, this book is excellent for sixth grade through college level.  Remarkably broad coverage. No complicated math. Hundreds of statements by prominent scientists who disprove evolutionary theory. They know evolution is a hoax. You should learn the facts also.  Keep this book. You will refer to it for years to come, as you convince others of the truth. Facts are powerful. You will learn things most do not know!  Give copies of this book to your loved ones. Give it to students in school. Let them start learning the truth. They urgently need it!  LEARN HOW TO REFUTE EVOLUTIONARY ERRORS. Excellent for schools, study groups, sermons, and more.



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