Jeff Setzer Bio

Jeff and Heather Setzer
Evangelist Jeff Setzer was born in Charlotte, NC in 1964 and trusted Christ as Savior at age 8 during a vacation Bible school. In high school, the LORD used a week of camp at the WILDS Christian camp in Brevard, NC to impact Jeff's life for full-time Christian service and he dedicated his life to the LORD. Upon graduation, he attended Pensacola Christian College where in 1986 he received a B.A. in Bible (Greek minor). From 1985 - 1992, the LORD used various ministries to develop Jeff for service. He has served as a summer youth evangelist, a school teacher, a camp counselor, a revival soloist, a junior church director, an assistant pastor, a church music director, and a bus captain. Jeff and Heather met in 1992 and were married in 1993. In 1994, they accepted an assistant pastorate at Faith Baptist in Shelbyville, TN where they served in youth, music, and children’s ministry from 1994 until 1997. They left to serve with an evangelist for 2 years as "missionaries to young people." After about 3 years’ consideration of the importance of creation and apologetics, in 2000 they formed "Creation Family Ministries," a work of presenting Biblical apologetics to all ages. Jeff & Heather travel across America in missionary-evangelism preaching and teaching Biblical creation as the foundation for every area of life.