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Powerful Answers for an "Evolutionized" Culture (paperback / 192 pp. / authors:  Ham, Hodge, Kerby, Lisle, McKeever, Menton, Mortenson, Purdom, Riddle).  What do aliens, dinosaurs, and gay marriage have in common? -- They are all part of teh culture war--a war between two worldviews.  One is based on a biblical understanding of history, the other on pure naturalism.  Our educational institutions and the media are on the frontlines of evolutionizing our culture. From Biology 101 to World History, from The Learning Channel to SpongeBob, subtle and not-so-subtle evolutionary messages bombard us.  --  How are we to respond when we hear of the latest "argument" for evolution?  How can we prepare our children to face the evolutionary indoctrination of our public schools and universities?  What...of "Christian" organizations who teach the big bang and millions of years?  How can we build a...biblical worldview?  In this powerful book, you will find answers to some common argurments.

War of the Worldviews

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